
In perpetual search of
the cool and the cute.

Using Generative Art to connect with the world, having fun while doing so is more important than anything else.

View of life

He begun at age 25 without a background in neither programming nor visual arts. While learning programming, he tapped into his other interest - art - and searched for ways to fuse the two. This led him to Generative Art.

Continuing his output where the muse takes him and sharing his coding with the world, he releases his 900+ Generative Art works on platforms like OpenProcessing.

Drawing influences from anime, manga and video games, Okazz seeks to channel those influences into his works. Expression of the cool and the cute permeats his unique style, reflected in his output.

From his earliest days as an unknown creator to his current stature as a recognized artist, Okazz has used Generative Art to connect with the world. His prolific output has brought joy to the world, and to himself.

“I can be anything I desire to be.”

I didn’t search for Generative Art, but I came across it. My 25 year-old self would never have thought this possible, but here I am.

Favourite motto

Okazz works

He begun at age 25 without a background in neither programming nor visual arts. While learning programming, he tapped into his other interest - art - and searched for ways to fuse the two. This led him to Generative Art.

Continuing his output where the muse takes him and sharing his coding with the world, he releases his 900+ Generative Art works on platforms like OpenProcessing.
Generative Art is charming because simple designs lead to a multitude of depictions.
Works giving people courage or energy makes him happy. Connecting people via art is joyful.
It’s a blessing to have come across Generative Art. With this in mind, I’d like to continue creating for a long time.
Welcome, first timers into the world of Generative Art! Let’s enjoy Creative Coding - together.


You needn't limit yourself. Even at this moment,
you can evolve into whatever you desire.

©2022 Kumaleon